30 May 2019

How to: Facebook Marketing

With 1.18 billion daily users, Facebook is the world’s largest social media platform and a vital marketing tool for any retail business. Below you will find everything you need to know to take your Facebook marketing to the next level.

Setting up your Facebook page

When you are setting up a business Facebook page, the first thing to decide on is a username. The optimal username is the name of your brand or business. This is optimal for search engines when people are trying to find you. The second thing you need to do is add an appropriate image for your profile photo and cover photo. The images you choose are the first thing people will see when they land on your page. If your profile image is a logo, make sure your cover image shows off your products.

When you are filling in the About section, use keywords that people would type into Google when they are looking for the types of products that you sell, this works wonders for SEO. Don’t forget to include a link back to your website too!

social media marketing

Posting Content

Consistency is key when you’re posting to your Facebook page. If you are finding you are forgetting to post, or you don’t have the time to spend time on it daily, use a scheduling app that helps with Facebook marketing such as Hootsuite or Falcon. Set some time aside at the beginning of the week to schedule all of your posts.

Videos work really well on Facebook, so don’t limit your posts to solely text or images. Experiment with GIF’s if you don’t have the budget to make costly videos. Try and link back to your website as often as possible when you are posting content but don’t be too pushy or salesy, Facebook limits the reach of overly promotional content. Consult your insights page often to see what is working and the types of content that is getting the most traction. It’s also important to monitor the days of the week and the times that get the most engagement.

Paid Facebook

While you can reach a high number of people using organic Facebook marketing methods, you might also want to increase your reach and engagement with a Facebook paid marketing plan. On Facebook you can do this in a few different ways. The first method is boosting a post so It reaches a bigger audience. You can choose who you want to target including their location, age, interests, and gender. To do this press Boost when you are creating the post or click Boost on older posts that you’ve already posted.

Another way to do it is by promoting a post. Promoted posts are in your Facebook Ads Manager. This is similar to Boosting a post but with more targeting and budgeting options. As well as promoting posts you can also promote your page and send people to your website, among other options. There is a list of objectives you can choose from for your campaign to do this.

Facebook Marketing

When you are promoting a post make sure you change up your imagery and content every couple of weeks or people will ignore it. It’s also important to use a captivating opening sentence and a quirky CTA. Lastly, be sure to track the performance of your Facebook paid marketing plan, so you know what’s worth putting money into.

Looking for more invaluable business skills? Visit Autumn Fair and take part in the free workshops and seminars at the retail skills theatre. Alternatively, check out our "How to: Instagram marketing" post here

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