25 Apr 2019

The Rise of Subscription Boxes: Gift, Beauty, and More

The world has gone subscription mad! Almost nine in ten people across the UK are signed up to at least one subscription service. This does not just include the regular Netflix and Spotify subscriptions, but also subscriptions for retail products.

Loyal consumers want to cut the hassle out of shopping, by purchasing subscriptions that automatically send retail products to their house. Convenience is key, and subscription retail products cut out the hassle of researching online and going in store. Retailers should be taking advantage of this chance to create dynamic ongoing relationships with their customers.

Subscription boxes are the most popular way to market retail subscriptions to consumers. Customers sign up to receive a box of a certain type of product (gift, beauty, health etc), they then get a selection of products delivered to their door on regular intervals. A lot of the time the consumers don’t know the exact products that will be delivered until the subscription boxes arrive to their door, so the surprise element is exciting and fun.

Beauty products

According to the Royal Mail, 27% of customers have already signed up to these subscription boxes. They are most popular with 25 to 35 year olds, with over half registered to at least one. Subscription boxes are expected to be valued at £1 billion by 2022.

Beauty products for both men and women are the most popular type of retail products to order by subscription. Boxes full of skin care, makeup, hair care, and more arrive to the consumer’s door every month. Food and gift are other popular areas that subscription boxes are gaining popularity. Consumers see these boxes as a great way to discover new products and receive an exciting present every month or so.

Subscription Boxes

Are you looking to start selling subscription boxes? Visit Autumn Fair and source stunning products from gift and beauty wholesalers to fill them with.

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