25 Aug 2022

What's new in home interiors?

Keep up with the latest trends in home interiors! We talked with interior designer Katrina Caso, whose work has just been featured in Architectural Digest, a leading design authority and renowned magazine, covering the work of top architects and designers. It was great to learn more about her career journey and insights about interior design trends.


When did you leave your career in law to pursue your passion for design? Was it difficult to start again?

I left law in 2012 to pursue this aching passion I had for design (I enrolled in FIDM) after realising that I took hundreds of photos of door handles and wallpaper on my honeymoon vs. my husband. As passionate as I was to succeed on this new venture, the transition was tough for me.

My peers were all young and all had a creative background, and I had a hard time believing that I could be an artist. It would take me double the hours to accomplish the projects, but I graduated Magna Cum Laude so it just goes to show that you can do anything you want to achieve. 


What are the latest home interior trends in terms of products?

I am witnessing with such contentment that people are more and more drawn to history and the stories behind the pieces they acquire. In this regard, there is a huge upswing for vintage furniture, antique furniture and accessories.

Pieces from the 40's are being eclectically mixed with pieces from the 80's as if they always belonged in that space together. The fact that there is a trend to understand and have curiosity for the pieces in your home reinstates my hope for connection.


How about colours?

I am not afraid of any color (well, maybe lavender is not my thing) but perhaps I stray away from high contrast. In my designs, I want to create a mood and that mood is usually calming whether or not it is colorful or not. When I commit to a color, I really believe in committing to it. If you are going to paint a wall green, paint all the walls, the ceiling and the trim. You have to commit. 


What type of space aesthetics are clients requesting? What’s more popular right now?

More often, Clients are requesting unique spaces that represent their personal expression, but they always want comfort. The lockdowns are still etched in our brains and comfort/coziness is key. And I would say that indoor trees and many, many plants are making a huge come-back. I don't think a space is complete without a plethora of indoor trees & plants and my clients fully agree.


What do you think clients will prioritise in the future?

I don't see us shying away from comfort anytime soon. People are becoming more casual but still holding on to history. Having an outdoor dinner party on an old French farm table from the 19th century with their grandparents china is something I see now and in the future.


How about sustainability? What role does it play in your design process?

Naturally throughout my entire career, I have always been drawn to vintage/antique furniture and accessories. Nothing is more sustainable than re-purposing. Using antique windows from Europe to re-purpose as fire-place mantels (I just saw this at a friend's house and it's genius), to hunting for cutlery from the 19th century are all ways to contribute towards sustainability. 


Having lived in Zurich, NYC and LA, what do you recommend to maximize space in urban areas?

Isn't this the million dollar question? Unfortunately as much as I try to be, I am not a minimalist by any means. I used to store heels in my oven in NYC since I certainly never used it. But in all seriousness, I try to collect items that have a dual purpose. For example, making the spare bedroom a library that you actually use and having an Anfibio sofa (70's) that turns into a guest bed on the occasions you have people over.  


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