08 Apr 2020

#Inspiredbykindness: When kindness is just part of your DNA

Our team at Spring and Autumn Fair have never been more proud to be a part of the retail community. As we speak to our customers and partners is clear that this is a worrying time for everyone, but that has not stopped people from sharing their resources, their time, and being aware of the help that is needed in thier local community.

As part of this weeks #Inspiredbykindness we would like to appreciate the team at Ultimate Products.

It seems kindness is simply a part of the DNA of ultimate products, and we have been inspired by multiple stories of what their team has been doing to help their local community.

They have donated thousands of facemasks to a local charity who work with people with learning difficulties and complex needs complex needs including autism, ADHD, brain injuries and physical disabilities. Whilst many of us focus our attention on hospitals and NHS Trusts, they are staying close to their communities and were able to help when they learnt that a local initiative Pathways to Opportunities was rapidly running low on protective equipment. It's important that they are able to continue to work with some of the most vulnerable within their community.

That’s not to say they also haven’t been thinking about their local NHS, they also have contributed 10,000 travel mugs to wellbeing packages being given to the fantastic healthcare  workers across Manchester.

This week they have also been showing off, and rightly so(!), their team who whilst on lockdown have been looking after the people around them.

Siân Crossley has been working with local charity Action Together, to deliver food and run errands for those who can't get out and about at the mo. She's working within her local community to provide a real lifeline for those who may be struggling due to isolation.

Eddie Edwards has been volunteering with leading Salford-based social care charity, The Fed. He has donated toilet rolls, face masks and hand sanitiser on behalf of UP. Alongside his wife and four daughters, Eddie has been helping out by shopping for essentials, delivering food and is also part of their 'buddy' scheme, which ensures that those who may be feeling lonely at this time are in regular, close contact with someone. Isolation is proving tough for many of us, but for those who are on the own, these phonecalls and contact can be a real pick-me-up.

Colin Goldenberg is yet another member of the Ultimate Products team that has been helping to deliver hot meals to those within this community

Kindness is contagious and the more that we hear from our customers about their acts, some of whom let us share their stories, we have never been more hopeful and humbled to be a part of the UK retail community.  To the Ultimate Products family  - thank you for inspiring us with your kindness and dedication to your community.

ultimate products


inspired by kindness

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