01 Apr 2020

#Inspiredbykindness: It's the little things that matter most.

For the retail sector the past few weeks have been some of the most challenging that the industry has ever seen, or experienced. However, whilst most of us are in isolation, and businesses are temporarily closed or reducing workers, it is clear that despite all this we are connecting and helping each other more than ever before. We may be locked in right now, but many of our community are actively volunteering their help and resources to their local communities.

Last week we launched our #inspiredbykindness campaign and we have had so many stories shared of how people are helping their customers, and people within their supply chain. We would like to share some of these stories and celebrate the kindness within our community.

Sending some love the old fashioned way

First Class FileOne of our favourite greetings companies The Art File launched their ‘First Class File’ offer when lock down started. 

"We know that currently, people may be unable to see their family members and loved ones due to the importance of social distancing, and for some the necessity of self-isolating - which we are taking very seriously ourselves. This means that people are probably worrying about their loved ones now more than ever, whether that be because of the health crisis or the resulting loneliness that will affect many. That’s why we’ve decided to help where we can and provide people with a chance to check in with their loved ones in a kindhearted way - a thoughtful alternative to the standard Whatsapp message. And that method of communication is, of course, the tradition of sending a card! That’s why The Art File will be implementing a free postage system for anyone in self-isolation, and for those who cannot venture out to their fabulous local Art File stockists across the nation. 

We think sending a loved one a card to show you are thinking of them is a great idea all year round, but considering the current situation, it seems to be more important than ever to keep each other's spirits up and make sure we check in with one another. We believe sending and receiving cards is a powerful way to do so. The country - and in fact the world - is likely to be in this situation for a while, and so finding new and creative ways of communicating and spreading kindness will be welcomed. We don’t want this pandemic to distance us from our loved ones.

Not only that, but we know that time doesn’t just stop when something like this happens: people will still have birthdays, anniversaries, and many other reasons to celebrate. Not to mention Mother’s Day is just days away, and Easter is coming up very soon. If you're in self-isolation and can’t leave your house to buy and post a card for your friend or family member’s birthday, we want to help!

Happy sending!

Whilst we are all connected via email and text, we all probably have family members who aren’t quite as text savvy as everyone else. This is a wonderful way to let them know that they have not been forgotten.

Helping where it is needed most

Collier and DobsonCollier and Dobson are one of Spring and Autumn Fairs Fine art suppliers and have been supply contemporary sculptures and works of art for over 45 years.  They like many businesses have unfortunately had to close their stores and felt the impact on their workforce. However, we have heard on the grapevine that they have co-operated with a local food in Fording bridge shop to give them the use of their warehouse, so that they have the additional storage space they need to service their local community. Going one step further they have also lent their vans to the business so that they are able to deliver food and essential supplies to the elderly and vulnerable people within the local area.

As we stay in touch with our community it is these small acts of kindness that reassure us that when this period comes to an end, these are the small things that we will all remember.


Inspired by kindness

As part of our #inspiredbykindness campaign we will share stories from our community each week, if you would like to share any stories from our community please get in touch by either emailing us at : SpringAutumnFairMarketing@hyve.group or messaging us via any of our social media channels.


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