23 Apr 2020

#InspiredByKindness: showing appreciation for our NHS

As we all adjust to the reality of our new normal, we are becoming aware of more and more amazing acts of kindness within our community.  This week we want to recognise one of our exhibitor partners Portfolio home ( the Evans group) and one of our favourite online retailers Made.com.

Kindness + Clouds and Rainbows

As one of our leading textiles exhibitors, the Evans Group ( Portfolio Home, Evans textiles and William Clark) have been working not only to support their customers, but the NHS, thier local community and the venerable within it.

Across the UK, children have been creating rainbows to put in windows to show support for their local community, families and the NHS. Portfolio Home have donated 100% of their net profits from their clouds and rainbows range directly to Wythenshawe Hospital in Manchester. In this case not only are rainbows a sign of strength and promotes a positive feel good message, but the funding will go directly to people who need it. When they made this public the entire range sold out!

Elsewhere in the group, William & Clark manufactured 11,000 meters of vital scrubs fabric which has made around 3000 scrub outfits which are now being delivered to where they are most needed. Evans textiles, not to be left out have also donated more than 4000 meters of fabric to be used for scrubs and wash bags.

Their network of machinists, seamstresses and homeworkers throughout the UK have donated their own time and resources to produce the finished articles for the NHS front line staff.

At a time when there are reported shortages we are all grateful for acts like these that allow our front line staff to continue their work.

Evans Group images

Hospital staff rooms get an upgrade!

This flew under the radar, but a few weeks ago but when one of our favourite online retailers MADE.com realised that many NHS staff were not able to go home for sleep and rest between their shifts, they decided to step in.

They made a simple gesture, they donated all of their available stock in the UK, from sofa beds, couches, cushions to mugs, cutlery and plates to help kit out the staff rooms and rest areas of over 120 hospitals in the UK. So far they have gifted over 1500 products with more deliveries on the way.

Whilst many of our community have stepped up to donate PPE and resources, this thoughtful gesture from Made.com has enabled NHS staff to sleep and rest, in comfort, when they are able. Creating stylish and comfortable places, and in the words of Junior Doctor @jolanda_Joy, who slept on one of the newly donated sofa beds at the Royal Hospital London, not only was it comfy, but “I think the pink velvet goes with my scrubs”

On behalf of our team here we love hearing about these thoughtful acts of kindnesses from businesses who are helping those around them. Every day we hear about new acts of kindness and stories that reinforce our belief that whilst retail is in for a bumpy period, as a community we are in this together.


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