25 Mar 2019

How to: Create a Successful Retail Business Blog

Business blogs are a great way to attract and engage potential and existing customers in retail. It can help you to connect with your customers in a way that will provide value to their lives. Blogging is a really effective and practical form of marketing that doesn’t have to break the bank. Once it is executed correctly, there is no reason your business shouldn’t benefit from it.

If you are starting up a business blog, or if you are just looking for alternative or better ways of doing it, we’ve got you covered with our top blogging tips for businesses in retail.

Know your Audience

Depending on the type of retail sector you are in, and the type of products you have on offer, your audience will vary drastically from other retail businesses. When you are coming up with a blogging strategy, the first step is to really get to know your audience. What interests them? What generation are they from? What gender are they? Where do they live? All of these questions will help you to plan the most suitable type of content for your audience.

Remember - When you are writing content for your business blog, you want to not only write content about your brand and products, but also other areas that will interest your customers.

Business blogs

Consistency is Key

Blogging won’t drive traffic to your website overnight, so don’t get too bogged down on the figures initially. It takes time to build up an audience and establish yourself to Google, and to your consumers, as a quality website. Consistency is the key to this. Set a realistic goal of how often you will post a month and Google will start to recognise you as valuable, which will in turn increase your SEO, increasing your website traffic. Experiment a little at the beginning to figure out what’s a feasible amount of content to produce for your business. Blogs can take work, so try not get discouraged and the traffic will come.

Make it Visible

If you’re putting in time and effort writing blog content, you need to find a place to upload it to. Create an area on your website that can be easily accessed by your visitors. Consumers want as seamless a process as possible, so if your blog isn’t visible to them, they won’t go looking for it. The area doesn’t have to be called ‘blog’, so get a bit creative and see what works best for your company.

Once your content is written and uploaded, don’t be afraid to shout about it. Post it on your social media account, use it in emails, and anywhere else you can drive attention to it. If you’re stuck for content ideas for your social media accounts, your blogs are consistent pieces of valuable content that you can rely on. In addition, if you send out regular newsletters, use the content in your blog posts to link back to your website. Make sure it is relevant though, and don’t just link to it for the sake of it.

Blog Marketing


Another way to promote your content, that does wonders for SEO, is backlinking. Backlinking is linking back to your previous blogs and your website pages in your content pieces. For example, if you are writing a post about your products that have been ethically made and you’ve previously wrote a blog about ethical consumerism, make sure your backlinking it to both the ethical consumerism blog and the products that you are talking about.

Using relevant keywords in your blog posts is a great way to get people discovering your posts. These keywords are essentially the words consumers are most likely to type into Google when they’re looking for the type of information that they will find in your posts. Doing some keyword research on Google Analytics to find the most searched terms, and then adding them to your piece, title, and meta description, is the optimal way to do this.

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