17 Jul 2019

Behind the Scenes: An Interview with Pricecheck

Pricecheck, a FMCG wholesale supplier and distributor, works with some of the biggest names in retail. They were traditionally known for their wide range of toiletries, but they now specialise in a wide range of sectors from food and alcohol to pet supplies and fragrances.

Pricecheck was founded by the current Joint MD Debbie Harrison’s parents Doug and Moira in 1978. It began as a single retail store and over the years has grown to become one of the most successful wholesale suppliers in the UK. Debbie said, “My brother Mark and I took over the business in 2008 and increased turnover from £17m to in excess of £80m. Pricecheck now exports to 80 countries and employs 165 people. We have more than 1200 active customers and more than 500 suppliers.”

wholesale suppliers

As a child Debbie spent her holidays rollerskating and exploring at their old warehouse. She then progressed to making tea and answering the phone. She said, “When I left school and joined Pricecheck I was thrown in the deep end by my dad in both buying and sales roles. These were the days before sat nav, mobile phones, or email. I was out on the road and on my own. Thank goodness I not only survived, I loved it!”

In 2015, Pricecheck won the Queen’s Award for Enterprise in the International Trade category. It recognised how they’d developed overseas’ markets from a standing start. Debbie said, “It was one of our brands proudest moments, we went to Buckingham Palace and we were given the award by the Queen. We now export to 80 countries and continue to develop our export services. We built up our overseas trade by visiting trade shows abroad, researching developing markets, and appointing a multi lingual team of international account managers.”

Pricecheck is constantly looking to expand their wholesale business, and dive deeper into the categories they already offer, “We constantly challenge how we do things and evaluate our product lines. We monitor trends and talk to suppliers daily. Our conversations with customers are also very important in driving what we stock.”


They’ve been coming to Spring & Autumn Fair for almost 30 years, “It gives us an unrivalled opportunity to showcase our variety and scale. The trade show always provides a great opportunity to meet customers, particularly overseas customers and explain how Pricecheck is changing and how we can support them.”

Looking to meet FMCG wholesale suppliers like Pricecheck? Visit the Everyday sector in Hall 17 & 18 at Autumn Fair this February. Alternatively, apply for a stand and find similar success. 

Pricecheck will be in Hall 17, stand 17C52-D53. 

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